Standing Documents and Information on ELOT


Systems & Products Certification


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ELOT R&D programmes



Systems & Products Certification

  2. Law 372/76 "Establishment and Operation of ELOT", as amended by Law 1682/1997 and Presidential Decree 155/1997 "Incorporation and Statutes of the Societe Anonyme «Hellenic Organization for Standardization S.A.»", entrusts ELOT with the development of Certification activities. According to Ministerial Decision 22729/509/26-6-1998 "Certification Procedures of the Hellenic Organization for Standardization S.A", issued by the Ministry of Development (Government Gazette 708/B/13-7-98), ELOT applies Certification Procedures and Systems (e.g.: ISO certification systems). In the context of these Procedures ELOT grants Conformity Marks and Certificates of Conformity, which denote the conformity of products, processes, activities, organizations, systems and personnel to the requirements of normative documents, and which are called ELOT Conformity Marks/ Certificates of Conformity.

    Conformity marks, granted to products in conformity with the requirements of Hellenic Standards, European Standards (EN), Experimental European Standards (CEN), harmonization Documents (HD), as well as European telecommunication Standards (ETSI), Experimental European Telecommunication Standards (I-ETS), issued by ELOT, CEN or CENELEC or ETSI , are defined as Hellenic Marks of Conformity.

    ELOT is the unique certification organization, authorized for the granting of these marks.

    ELOT also undertakes sampling, testing, inspections, assessment of procedures and systems using its own facilities and staff or in cooperation with other approved interested parties.

    The assessment and certification procedures are based on the requirements of standards ELOT EN 45012, ELOT EN 45011, the EA Guidelines for the implementation of EN 45012, 45011 and for bodies conducting certification of environmental management systems, ISO/IEC Guides 61- 62- 65 and the ELOT EN ISO 9000 and ISO 10011 series of standards, as well as the rules of the accreditation bodies SINCERT/ESYD as well as the rules and regulations of IQNet.

    ELOT is also involved in the implementation of EEC Directives in cooperation with the concerned public authorities.

    The Certification Council manages the implementation and realization of ELOT certification activities.

    ELOT participates in ISO, CEN, CENELEC, CENCER, CASCO, IQNet, the CB Certification Scheme, the CCA, HAR, ENEC Agreements in the field of product certification.


    Product Certification schemes are carried out to the General Rules for Product Certification, as well as the Specific Rules for Product Certification, for each product category, which are based on the relevant ISO/IEC Guides as well as the ISO 45000 series of standards.

    ELOT has developed and implements certification schemes in the following sectors: electric household appliances, electric cables, steel for reinforced steel, asbestos- cement, ceramic tiles, sanitary appliances, ready mixed concrete, switches etc.


    ELOT is also involved in the implementation of certain EEC Directives in cooperation with the concerned public authorities. ELOT has been notified for the following Directives (notification no. 365): 73/23/EEC, 92/42/EEC, 91/368/EEC, 93/44/EEC, 89/686/EEC, 93/95/EEC, 88/378/EEC, 89/106/EEC and 95/16/EEC.


    ELOT carries out sampling and inspections for certification purposes.

    ELOT undertakes inspections on behalf of foreign certification bodies and organizations such as UL, VDE, KEMA, CEBEC, BSI, AFNOR etc.

    The tests required for the operation of the ELOT certification schemes are carried out either in the ELOT testing Laboratories either in approved subcontracted laboratories.

    ELOT carries out testing in the following fields, using it's own testing facilities: electric household appliances, electric cables, toys, plastic pipes while in the other field uses subcontracted laboratories.


    In the context of the ELOT certification schemes, ELOT implements a certification scheme for the certification of Quality Systems, according to the ELOT EN ISO 9000 series of standards. The respective certification scheme commenced in 1991 and until today the number of certified enterprises increases each year. Aiming toward the mutual recognition of certificates granted by organizations of other countries, ELOT became a member of the International Certification Network- IQNet. The main aim of IQNet is the mutual recognition and promotion of management system certificates issued by its members, which are active in all the industrial and service sectors, as well as the coordination of the work to be performed for the certification of organizations operating in several countries. Thus, all enterprises certified by member bodies of IQNet are provided with an internationally recognized "passport" which ensures global market access. "One stop" certification, given the IQNet members makes life easier and saves money for certified organizations.

    In 1997 ELOT was assessed by the Italian Accreditation Body - SINCERT and was granted the accreditation certificate for Quality System Certification, according to the requirements of standard ELOT EN 45012. SINCERT is a member of EA (European Accreditation), having a mutual recognition agreement with all member bodies of EA. In 2000 ELOT was assessed by the National Accreditation Board of Greece- ESYD and was granted the accreditation certificate for Quality System Certification, according to the requirements of standard ELOT EN 45012. ELOT's accreditation by SINCERT and ESYD reinforces the value of the certificates granted by ELOT as well as their European and International recognition.


    ELOT has developed and operates a scheme for the certification of Environmental Management Systems, according to the requirements of the ISO 14000 series of standards and the EA Guidelines for bodies certifying Environmental Management Systems and in 1997 awarded the first certificate. As a member of IQNet, ELOT also grants the IQNet Certificate for Environmental Management Systems. In 2001 ELOT was assessed by the SINCERT and was granted the accreditation certificate for the certification of Environmental Management Systems, according to the requirements of standard ELOT EN 45012 and ISO/IEC Guide 66.


    ELOT also developed and operates a scheme for the certification of Health & Safety Management Systems, according to the requirements of standard OHSAS 18001 and granted the first certificate in 1999.


    ELOT also developed and operates a scheme for the certification of Information Security Management Systems, according to the requirements of standard BS 7799.


    ELOT also developed and operates a scheme for the certification of HACCP Management Systems, according to the requirements of standard ELOT 1416.


    List of Certified Companies

    ELOT Certification Documents